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UFO built by man
UFO built by man
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Earth UFOs B-2, B-1, RQ-3, F-117 (M / U), SR-71, Ayaks, U-2 (U-3?), YF-23, SR-72, Taranis, X-36 , X-45, Irkut, RQ-180, FOBS (R-36 Orb), Polecat, Magma, Eclipse, Tacit Blue, HTV-2, Aura, Skat, Hongdu Lijian, A-12 Oxcart, nEUROn, B-21 and the unveiled versions of the X-47
On the fly's feet over 300 bacteria
Infected flies
On the fly’s feet over 300 bacteri...
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On the fly’s feet over 300 bacteria, and in the city are more dirty Many cause illness for man, leaving behind a microbial colony Flies can carry and spread hundreds of different bacteria, many of which are dangerous to humans. He discovered a study published by t
When we die we realize it: the brain still works
When we die we realize it: the brain sti...
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“All of life passes before you for a moment before dying”: it could be more than just a film suggestion. Recent studies show, in fact, that the human brain continues to function after death, even if for a limited space of time. As reported in an article in t
Ein Hund für die Gesundheit
Tiere = Gesundheit
Ein Hund für die Gesundheit
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Wenn Sie einen Hund haben, werden Sie weniger krank. Dies wurde durch die wissenschaftliche Forschung ergab, dass das Vertrauen wäre ein „Elixier des Lebens“ sein, die Studie, veröffentlicht in der Zeitschrift „Scientific Reports“, er hat den Zusammenhang zwis
How artificial diamonds are created in the laboratory
How artificial diamonds are created in t...
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Here are the five steps necessary to create diamonds in the laboratory: – Scientists begin the process by placing a small seed crystal in a vacuum chamber, used to remove impurities from the air. – Then they pump methane and hydrogen heated to 3,000 ° C to
"Okay Houston we had a problem". April 13, 1970 the Apollo 13 accident
Okay Houston we’ve had a problem h...
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At 9:08 pm on April 13, 1970, astronaut Jack Swigert, crew member of Apollo 13, reports to NASA headquarters: “Okay Houston, we had a problem here.” Eight Seconds Later, Mission Control in Houston he replies “This is Houston. Say again, please. “
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人工知能技術はますます洗練され、現在では人間の思考でも読み始めます。 日本の科学者チームは、人間の脳波から、人物や動物であるかどうか、またアルファベットの抽象的な記号や文字であるか
मस्तिष्क में कल्पना की मोटर
भविष्य के लिए अतीत और योजना याद रखें
मस्तिष्क में क...
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हम बचपन की घटना को कैसे याद करते हैं, या एक ऐसी क्रिया की कल्पना करते हैं जो हमने अभी तक नहीं किया है? मानव
Ревматоидный артрит
молекула обнаружения
Ревматоидный артрит
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Ревматоидный артрит, молекула обнаружения, которая блокирует воспаление (даже тяжелое) Ученые наконец обнаружили лекарство, которое позволяет бло
Artificial skin monitors your health
Artificial skin monitors your health
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Ultra-thin material that integrates with soft materials A new form of wearable technology that can become part of the body by forming an artificial metal skin, which can be used to monitor patient health. The technology, which involves the use of biomedical sensors, was
Hurricanes, what they are and how they are formed
Hurricanes, what they are and how they a...
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They originate in the Atlantic Ocean or in the Eastern Pacific, they are born and fed thanks to the warm and humid air that evaporates from the water near the equator. They are classified as such when the winds exceed 119 km / h. Les ouragans, ce qu’ils sont et commen
Cérebro dos cães ", eles têm dois vezes mais neurônios de gatos
Eles têm o dobro do tamanho de neurônios de gato
Cérebros dos cães
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Cérebro dos cães “, eles têm dois vezes mais neurônios de gatos Os ursos também batem, enquanto os guaxinins estão a par com os primatas Os cães têm o dobro do tamanho dos neurônios de gato: quase 530 milhões contra “mal” 250 milhões. Isso
How artificial diamonds are created in the laboratory
How artificial diamonds are created in t...
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Here are the five steps necessary to create diamonds in the laboratory: – Scientists begin the process by placing a small seed crystal in a vacuum chamber, used to remove impurities from the air. – Then they pump methane and hydrogen heated to 3,000 ° C to
Hantavirus, what it is and how it is transmitted
Hantavirus, what it is and how it is tra...
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Orthohantaviruses, commonly called Hantaviruses, are RNA viruses of the Bunyavirales order. They are transmitted to humans by zoonoses. Humans can be infected with hantaviruses through contact (only with a wound or by inhaling it but not by ingestion or simple contact)
blog spot
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GENERATORE DI PAGINE WEB UNIVERSALI E MULTILINGUA, INDICIZZAZIONE DI MASSA Utilizziamo un generatore di pagine per inserire la tua attività nel web. Economico, facile e accessibile a tutti. Risparmia i costi di un sito web classico. Web in tutte le sue forme e per qual
Facial transplant, 16 hours of operation at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio
Facial transplant, 16 hours of operation...
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  This face was separated from her donor (a woman who died from an overdose) after a 16-hour transplant operation at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. Surgeons who have removed it, observe it, stop before transplanting it, a task in which they spend another 15 hours &#
Ein Hund für die Gesundheit
Tiere = Gesundheit
Ein Hund für die Gesundheit
1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars
Wenn Sie einen Hund haben, werden Sie weniger krank. Dies wurde durch die wissenschaftliche Forschung ergab, dass das Vertrauen wäre ein „Elixier des Lebens“ sein, die Studie, veröffentlicht in der Zeitschrift „Scientific Reports“, er hat den Zusammenhang zwis
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From the trenches of the Marne to the techno-trance It is 1912. The German pharmaceutical company Merck seeks an antidote to appetite, wants a weight-loss drug to be permanently placed on the market. After several attempts, the Merck researchers find Mdma and think they
David Vetter, the story of the first bubble child, therapy found
David Vetter, the story of the first bub...
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David Vetter was born in 1971, and lived his short life isolated in a plastic wrap. But since 2016, the first gene therapy for children like him is no longer available only on an experimental basis, but as a recognized treatment. David Vetter was the first and most famo
Coronavirus, the point on experimental drugs
Coronavirus, the point on experimental d...
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At present there are no therapies recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the new coronavirus, and only supportive therapies are indicated in the patient care guidelines, such as oxygen therapy, fluid administration and empirical use of antibiotics to tre
Cérebro dos cães ", eles têm dois vezes mais neurônios de gatos
Eles têm o dobro do tamanho de neurônios de gato
Cérebros dos cães
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Cérebro dos cães “, eles têm dois vezes mais neurônios de gatos Os ursos também batem, enquanto os guaxinins estão a par com os primatas Os cães têm o dobro do tamanho dos neurônios de gato: quase 530 milhões contra “mal” 250 milhões. Isso
Candida auris, the fungus that "can kill in 90 days"
Candida auris, the fungus that "can...
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The information on this mushroom is shrouded in secrecy. It represents a serious and growing threat to public health A mysterious INFECTION that crosses the globe in a climate of total secrecy. The rise of Candida auris represents a serious and growing threat to public
Benign prostatic hypertrophy: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
Benign prostatic hypertrophy: causes, sy...
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Benign prostatic hyperplasia, commonly known as an enlarged prostate, consists of an increase in the volume of the gland located immediately below the bladder. The prostate has the function of producing a part of the seminal fluid. Benign prostatic hyperplasia usually o
Artificial skin monitors your health
Artificial skin monitors your health
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Ultra-thin material that integrates with soft materials A new form of wearable technology that can become part of the body by forming an artificial metal skin, which can be used to monitor patient health. The technology, which involves the use of biomedical sensors, was
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